Gazebo 11 uses the Ignition Common Profiler to check and visualize the performance of the different threads, functions and methods.
Gazebo 9 uses an internal fork of Ignition Common's profiler.
To use the compiler, Gazebo must be compiled from source with the CMake flag
, for example:
cmake .. --cmake-args -DENABLE_PROFILER=1
For example, if you are using colcon
to compile Gazebo:
colcon build --cmake-args -DENABLE_PROFILER=1
After compiling Gazebo, launch the world you want to profile. For example,
There's a convenient launcher script (Linux and macOS) for starting Remotery.
On Gazebo 11:
On Gazebo 9:
The script should open the profiler output in a browser.
Profile data for each process goes to a different port, which can be chosen on the top of the page:
to port 1500gzclient
to port 1501You should see plots corresponding to different theads, for example:
The following image shows the sensor manager timeline. In this case we
have 5 different sensors: gps
, imu
, magnetometer
, altimeter
and contact
You can see what is the duration of the sensor manager loop (50ms) and
how long it takes to update all the sensors (around 0.177ms), the rest
of the time the thead will be sleeping.
You can see the update time of each sensor, all the sensors have two subtasks: generate data and then publish this data (fill the data structure and publish it).
In the following two images you can see the evolution of the OdePhysics
and gzserver
Using Gazebo 11, you can add profiler points to any Gazebo plugin. This is not possible on Gazebo 9.
If you want to add the profiler to your own Gazebo plugins you need to follow these steps:
Include the header
#include <ignition/common/Profiler.hh>
Link against the profiler library
target_link_libraries(<your plugin name>
Add profiler macros to the update method or other periodic methods:
Classes that inherit from gazebo::sensors::Sensor
already have the macros
in the UpdateImpl
method. This method is called periodically and it's in
charge of generating the data and publishing it.
Classes that inherit from gazebo::*Plugin
can connect to the periodic world
update event with gazebo::event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin
. See the
for example, this will call the WindPlugin::OnUpdate
method for
every simulation iteration:
this->dataPtr->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(
std::bind(&WindPlugin::OnUpdate, this));
That callback is a good place to put the macros above.