This tutorial will explain how to setup synchronized controller updates over ROS topics by using the built-in synchronization mechanism within Atlas simulation interface AtlasPlugin.
As stated in DRCSim, joint level control of the Atlas robot can be performed using following ROS topics:
In this tutorial, we'll construct a basic ROS node that listens to robot state (AtlasState
) and publishes robot commands (AtlasCommand
), while enforcing basic synchronization.
ROS topics are inherently asynchronous; however, with the addition of a built-in simulation delay mechanism, controller synchronization simulating real-time control can be achieved. Synchronization is achieved with potential cost in reduced overall simulation performance, but the trade off can be tuned via exposed ROS parameters. The synchronization mechanism has the following ROS parameters for controlling amount of delay to inject into simulation when expected controller command does not arrive on time:
: This uint8
parameter tells the simulated Atlas driver interface to expect a command at least once every N-milliseconds of simulation time. If it's set to 0, no delay is enforced. For example, if the controller update is expected to run at 200Hz, desired_controller_period_ms
should be set to 5./atlas/delay_window_size
: paging window size defined in real-time seconds. This parameter will allow delay_max_per_window
seconds of delay with a single window. Upon window paging, internally accumulated total delay per window period is reset to 0. The default value for this parameter is 5 seconds real-time./atlas/delay_max_per_window
: total cumulative delay in seconds allotted per delay_window_size
. The default value for this parameter is 250ms real-time./atlas/delay_max_per_step
: maximum delay per simulation time step. The default value for this parameter is 25ms real-time.The default values for above parameters are chosen such that for near real-time simulation with desired_controller_period_ms
of 5 simulation milliseconds, and a controller that takes ~2ms real time to compute a new command in response to a received state, can comfortably run synchronized at 200Hz simulation time (command age <= 5ms simulation time) without exhausting the delay budgets.
For running the demo script a minimal ROS setup is needed. Use a directory under ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
and follow the instructions to create a package there:
. /usr/share/drcsim/
cd ~/ros
roscreate-pkg control_synchronization_tutorial drcsim_gazebo
Copy the launch file with control synchronization parameters into a file named ~/ros/control_synchronization_tutorial/atlas_sync.launch
<!-- Control Synchronization Parameters -->
<!-- delay_window_size: paging window that will allow delay_max_per_window-seconds of delay. -->
<!-- delay_max_per_window: total cumulative delay in seconds allotted per delay_window_size. -->
<!-- delay_max_per_step: maximum delay per simulation time step. -->
<param name="/atlas/delay_window_size" type="double" value="25.0"/>
<param name="/atlas/delay_max_per_window" type="double" value="1.0"/>
<param name="/atlas/delay_max_per_step" type="double" value="0.1"/>
<arg name="gzname" default="gazebo"/>
<arg name="hand_suffix" default=""/>
<arg name="extra_gazebo_args" default="-q" />
<arg name="model_args" default="" />
<!-- default launch file for starting an Atlas robot -->
<include file="$(find drcsim_gazebo)/launch/atlas.launch">
<arg name="gzname" value="$(arg gzname)"/>
<arg name="gzworld" value=""/>
<arg name="hand_suffix" value="$(arg hand_suffix)"/>
<arg name="extra_gazebo_args" value="$(arg extra_gazebo_args)"/>
<arg name="model_args" value="$(arg model_args)"/>
Download my_atlas_controller.cpp into ~/ros/control_synchronization_tutorial/my_atlas_controller.cpp
. This file contains the following code:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/subscribe_options.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <atlas_msgs/AtlasState.h>
#include <atlas_msgs/AtlasCommand.h>
ros::Publisher pubAtlasCommand;
atlas_msgs::AtlasCommand ac;
atlas_msgs::AtlasState as;
boost::mutex mutex;
ros::Time t0;
unsigned int numJoints = 0;
void SetAtlasState(const atlas_msgs::AtlasState::ConstPtr &_as)
static ros::Time startTime = ros::Time::now();
t0 = startTime;
// lock to copy incoming AtlasState
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
as = *_as;
if (numJoints == 0 && as.position.size() != 0)
numJoints = as.position.size();
// default values for AtlasCommand
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++)
ac.k_effort[i] = 255;
// uncomment to simulate state filtering
// usleep(1000);
void Work()
// simulated worker thread
// lock to get data from AtlasState
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
// for testing round trip time
ac.header.stamp = as.header.stamp;
if (numJoints == 0)
// simulate working
// assign arbitrary joint angle targets
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++)
ac.position[i] = 3.2* sin((ros::Time::now() - t0).toSec());
ac.k_effort[i] = 255;
// Let AtlasPlugin driver know that a response over /atlas/atlas_command
// is expected every 5ms; and to wait for AtlasCommand if none has been
// received yet. Use up the delay budget if wait is needed.
ac.desired_controller_period_ms = 5;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "pub_atlas_commandt");
ros::NodeHandle* rosnode = new ros::NodeHandle();
// this wait is needed to ensure this ros node has gotten
// simulation published /clock message, containing
// simulation time.
ros::Time last_ros_time_;
bool wait = true;
while (wait)
last_ros_time_ = ros::Time::now();
if (last_ros_time_.toSec() > 0)
wait = false;
// ros topic subscribtions
ros::SubscribeOptions atlasStateSo =
"/atlas/atlas_state", 100, SetAtlasState,
ros::VoidPtr(), rosnode->getCallbackQueue());
atlasStateSo.transport_hints =
ros::Subscriber subAtlasState = rosnode->subscribe(atlasStateSo);
// ros topic publisher
pubAtlasCommand = rosnode->advertise<atlas_msgs::AtlasCommand>(
"/atlas/atlas_command", 100, true);
// simulated worker thread
boost::thread work = boost::thread(&Work);
return 0;
In this example, robot states are received by SetAtlasState()
callback when new messages arrive over the wire (ROS topic /atlas/atlas_state
). A separate worker thread Work()
is expected to independently update and publish AtlasCommand
. The published command contains an arbitrarily defined joint trajectory with desired_controller_period_ms
set to 5ms (to be enforced in simulation-time). If executed successfully, the robot will thrash around on the ground, and the age of received joint command should never exceed 5ms (simulation-time) old.
Edit CMakeLists.txt
by typing:
gedit ~/ros/control_synchronization_tutorial/CMakeLists.txt
Append the following line to the end of CMakeLists.txt
rosbuild_add_executable(my_atlas_controller my_atlas_controller.cpp)
To compile, type the following commands:
roscd control_synchronization_tutorial
To run this tutorial, you'll need at least 2 separate terminals. Don't forget to execute following setup commands in each new terminal you open.
. /usr/share/drcsim/
cd ~/ros
Start simulation by roslaunching the newly created launch file:
roslaunch control_synchronization_tutorial atlas_sync.launch
You should see an Atlas robot standing in an empty world:
If running this in the cloud, make sure to set your GAZEBO_IP
and ROS_IP
in every open terminal, and roslaunch instead:
roslaunch control_synchronization_tutorial atlas_sync.launch gzname:=gzserver
In a separate terminal, start the mock-controller:
rosrun control_synchronization_tutorial my_atlas_controller
To view synchronization status, rqt_plot
can be used.
To use rqt_plot
, install by:
# depending on your ROS version
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rqt-plot
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rqt-plot
Then open a third terminal (don't forget to source
), and plot by running rqt
and setup custom perspectives; or by executing command below to see all the plots in one window:
rqt_plot /atlas/controller_statistics/command_age /atlas/controller_statistics/command_age_mean /atlas/synchronization_statistics/delay_in_step /atlas/synchronization_statistics/delay_in_window /atlas/synchronization_statistics/delay_window_remain
alternatively, you can plot the topics side by side:
rqt_plot /atlas/controller_statistics/command_age & sleep 1 && rqt --command-start-plugin rqt_plot --args /atlas/controller_statistics/command_age_mean && rqt --command-start-plugin rqt_plot --args /atlas/synchronization_statistics/delay_in_step && rqt --command-start-plugin rqt_plot --args /atlas/synchronization_statistics/delay_in_window && rqt --command-start-plugin rqt_plot --args /atlas/synchronization_statistics/delay_window_remain
The sub-plots (from top down) are:
As demonstrated in this tutorial, synchronization at 200Hz(sim time rate) for a controller that takes roughly 2 ms. real-time to do its calculations will fit comfortably inside of the existing synchronization delay budget. However, at 200 Hz. (sim time synchronization rate), if your controller takes more than 2ms(real-time) to update, due to synchronization overheads, you will exhaust the existing delay budget quite quickly. Similar to the previous timing plot, below is what happens when a controller takes 3 ms. (real-time) to do its calculations:
As shown in above figure, within each 5 second delay window, the delay budget is exhausted in about 1 second, and controller becomes unsynchronized.
Note the above plot is generated using rxplot
which has been deprecated in ROS Groovy.
Along the same logic, attempt to synchronize at 500 Hz. (sim time rate) and stay within the existing delay budget, the controller needs to be able to complete its update within 0.5 ms. (real-time) (For a sample implementation, see pub_atlas_command_fast.cpp.
values can cause simulation to "freeze" on controller startup. Keep these numbers small to avoid simulation stuttering.