New Feature Highlight: Unified command line tool


The fifth and final part in our series of posts about new features in Gazebo 3.0 covers the new Gazebo command-line tool.

Taking a cue from many popular command line interfaces, such as mercurial and git, we have unified the Gazebo command-line interface into one tool called gz. Previously, multiple independent tools (gztopic, gzlog, gzsdf, etc) provided system introspection and control for Gazebo. These tools, while powerful, had slightly different syntax, lacked proper testing, and were difficult to remember. The new gz tool addresses all these issues, and even adds a few new features such as joint control.

To see a list of the available commands, simply type gz help. Similarly, get help for a specific command using gz help <command>.

The new command line tool also incorporates tab-completion. This improvement will simplify the process of topic introspection.

We hope you enjoy this new tool as much as we do!