This tutorial demonstrates building a custom world using SDF. It also provides a simple example on how to sense object interactions and manipulate object color using the simulation world API.
We assume that you have already completed the installation step and the world API tutorials.
The full world API documentation can be found here.
The documentation for building a Gazebo world using SDF format can be found here.
First, build a world using SDF:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
<world name="default">
<plugin name="HaptixWorldPlugin" filename=""/>
<camera name="user_camera">
<pose>0 -0.6 1.3 0 0.4 1.57</pose>
<plugin name="HaptixGUIPlugin" filename="">
<default_size>25 25</default_size>
<color_no_contact>255 255 255 0</color_no_contact>
<color_max>255 0 0 255</color_max>
<color_min>255 227 32 255</color_min>
<contact name="mpl::rPalm0">
<pos>150 200</pos>
<size>50 100</size>
<contact name="mpl::rPalm1">
<size>50 100</size>
<pos>85 200</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rHandEdge">
<pos>10 235</pos>
<size>40 70</size>
<contact name="mpl::rHandTop">
<pos>299 55</pos>
<size>25 31</size>
<contact name="mpl::rThProximal1">
<pos>245 240</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rThProximal2">
<pos>275 195</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rThDistal">
<pos>302 130</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rIndProximal">
<pos>218 116</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rIndMedial">
<pos>233 43</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rIndDistal">
<pos>248 -30</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rMidProximal">
<pos>152 98</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rMidMedial">
<pos>155 19</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rMidDistal">
<pos>153 -60</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rRingProximal">
<pos>84 101</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rRingMedial">
<pos>74 41</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rRingDistal">
<pos>64 -19</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rLittleProximal">
<pos>35 156</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rLittleMedial">
<pos>14 105</pos>
<contact name="mpl::rLittleDistal">
<pos>-7 54</pos>
<task_group name="Grasp">
<task id="grasp_1" name="Block 10cm">
Instructions: Pick up the 10 cm block and place it on top of the box.
<task id="grasp_2" name="Block 2.5cm">
Instructions: Pick up the 2.5 cm block and place it on top of the box.
<task id="grasp_3" name="Block 5cm">
Instructions: Pick up the 5 cm block and place it on top of the box.
<task id="grasp_4" name="Block 7.5cm">
Instructions: Pick up the 7.5 cm block and place it on top of the box.
<task id="grasp_5" name="Cricket ball">
Instructions: Pick up the cricket ball and place it on top of the box, inside of the tin lid.
<task id="grasp_6"name="Stone">
Instructions: Pick up the stone and place it on top of the box.
<task_group name="Grip">
<task id="grip_1" name="Cups">
Instructions: Pour the marble from one cup into the other.
<task id="grip_2" name="Tube 2.25cm">
Instructions: Pick up the 2.25cm diameter tube and place it on the wooden peg.
<task id="grip_3" name="Tube 1cm">
Instructions: Pick up the 1cm diameter tube and place it on the metal peg.
<task id="grip_4" name="Washer">
Instructions: Pick up the washer and place it on the metal peg.
<task_group name="Pinch">
<task id="pinch_1" name="Ball bearing">
Instructions: Pick up the ball bearing and place it on top of the box, inside of the tin lid.
<task id="pinch_2" name="Marble">
Instructions: Pick up the marble and place it on top of the box, inside of the tin lid.
<!-- Indices 0-5 are: tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz -->
<arm inc_key="w" dec_key="s" index="0" increment=0.025></arm>
<arm inc_key="a" dec_key="d" index="1" increment=0.025></arm>
<arm inc_key="q" dec_key="e" index="2" increment=0.025></arm>
<arm inc_key="W" dec_key="S" index="3" increment=0.025></arm>
<arm inc_key="A" dec_key="D" index="4" increment=0.025></arm>
<arm inc_key="Q" dec_key="E" index="5" increment=0.025></arm>
<motor inc_key="z" dec_key="Z" index=0 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="x" dec_key="X" index=1 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="c" dec_key="C" index=2 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="1" dec_key="!" index=3 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="2" dec_key="@" index=4 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="3" dec_key="#" index=5 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="4" dec_key="$" index=6 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="5" dec_key="%" index=7 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="6" dec_key="^" index=8 increment=0.05></motor>
<!-- I'm having trouble parsing "&" and "&", so I'll just use
"amp" and handle it in the code. -->
<motor inc_key="7" dec_key="amp" index=9 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="8" dec_key="*" index=10 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="9" dec_key="(" index=11 increment=0.05></motor>
<motor inc_key="0" dec_key=")" index=12 increment=0.05></motor>
<grasp inc_key="1" dec_key="!" name="Spherical" increment="0.015"></grasp>
<grasp inc_key="2" dec_key="@" name="Cylindrical" increment="0.015"></grasp>
<grasp inc_key="3" dec_key="#" name="FinePinch(British)" increment="0.015"></grasp>
<grasp inc_key="4" dec_key="$" name="FinePinch(American)" increment="0.015"></grasp>
<grasp inc_key="5" dec_key="%" name="ThreeFingerPinch" increment="0.015"></grasp>
<grasp inc_key="6" dec_key="^" name="Palmar(Tray)" increment="0.015"></grasp>
<grasp inc_key="7" dec_key="amp" name="Hook" increment="0.015"></grasp>
<plugin name="TimerGUIPlugin" filename="">
<size>155 80</size>
<physics type="ode">
<gravity>0.000000 0.000000 -9.810000</gravity>
<!-- debug model for assumed screen
model in simulation frame,
used for debugging pose transforms
to check alignment of movement.
<model name="screen">
<pose>0 -0.65 1.5 0 0 0</pose>
<link name="link">
<visual name="visual">
<pose>-0.25 -0.005 -0.1 0 0 0</pose>
<size>0.5 0.01 0.2</size>
<!-- A global light source -->
<!-- A ground plane -->
<pose>0.4 -0.7 1.2 0 0 3.1416</pose>
<model name="polhemus_source">
<pose>-.5 260 1.3 0 3.1416 1.57</pose>
<link name="link">
<visual name="visual">
<size>0.05 0.05 0.05</size>
<plugin name="arrange_polhemus" filename="">
<arrangement name="no_polhemus">
<pose model="polhemus_source">-.5 260 1.3 0 3.1416 1.57</pose>
<arrangement name="have_polhemus">
<pose model="polhemus_source">-.5 0 1.3 0 3.1416 1.57</pose>
<plugin name="hydra" filename="">
<pivot>0.04 0 0</pivot>
<grab>0.12 0 0</grab>
<model name="sphere_visual_model">
<pose>0.3 0.0 1.35 0 0 3.1416</pose>
<link name="sphere_link">
<visual name="sphere_visual">
<collision name="sphere_visual">
Note that this world file is very similar to the default, with the main difference being the addition of the sphere_visual_model
<model name="sphere_visual_model">
<pose>0.4 0.0 1.2 0 0 3.1416</pose>
<link name="sphere_link">
<visual name="sphere_visual">
<collision name="sphere_visual">
Next, write a simple Octave/Matlab to sense contact state on the visual sphere model, and change the color of the sphere from green to red when it comes into contact with other objects:
% test program that changes color of a sphere when it comes into contact
% with other objects (e.g. hand)
hxs_set_model_collide_mode('sphere_visual_model', 1);
pose = hxs_model_transform('sphere_visual_model');
while (true)
% note that the color vector is defined by the RGBA 4-tuple:
% The elements are ordered such that:
% color(1) = float value for the red component
% color(2) = float value for the green component
% color(3) = float value for the blue component
% color(4) = float value for the alpha component
color = [0;1;0;1];
if length(hxs_contacts('sphere_visual_model')) > 0,
color = [1;0;0;1];
hxs_set_model_color('sphere_visual_model', color);
% move sphere around
t = hx_read_sensors().time_stamp;
p = pose;
p.pos(1) = pose.pos(1) - 0.2*cos(1*t);
hxs_set_model_transform('sphere_visual_model', p);
Download tutorial files:
Using the same world as the Matlab example above, and write a simple C code to sense contact state on the visual sphere model, and change the color of the sphere from green to red when it comes into contact with other objects:
* Copyright (C) 2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Test program that changes color of a sphere model when it comes into contact
// with other objects (e.g. hand).
// Green sphere model moves along table, turns red upon making contact.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <haptix/comm/haptix_sim.h>
#include <haptix/comm/haptix.h>
#define RADII 6.28318530718
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int t2, t1 = 0;
float reset = 0.0, time = 0.0;
hxSensor t;
hxsContactPoints contact_pts;
hxsTransform pose, p;
hxsColor color;
hxsCollideMode collide_mode, one = hxsDETECTIONONLY;
if (hx_connect(NULL, 0) != hxOK)
printf("hx_connect(): Request error.\n");
return -1;
hxs_set_model_collide_mode("sphere_visual_model", &one);
hxs_model_transform("sphere_visual_model", &pose);
p = pose;
while (1)
// changes sphere color upon contact
color.alpha = 1.0;
color.b = 0.0;
color.g = 1.0;
color.r = 0.0;
hxs_contacts("sphere_visual_model", &contact_pts);
if (contact_pts.contact_count > 0)
color.alpha = 1.0;
color.b = 0.0;
color.g = 0.0;
color.r = 1.0;
hxs_set_model_color("sphere_visual_model", &color);
// take simulation time (nsec)
t2 = t.time_stamp.nsec;
// adjust time so that time_stamp reset does not also reset sphere position
if (!t2 && t1)
// if time_stamp reset then update 'reset tracker'
reset = time;
// adjust position of sphere
time = fmod(0.01*t2, RADII) + reset;
p.pos.x = pose.pos.x - 0.2*cos(time);
hxs_set_model_transform("sphere_visual_model", &p);
t1 = t2;
return 0;
Build custom_world.c
as you would with any Haptix C API code as shown in Compile section under the Haptix C API tutorial.
Download tutorial files:
To run the example, start gazebo in terminal:
First see world API tutorial Example section on how to run Matlab or Octave scripts.
Next, invoke the custom_world.m
script in Matlab or Octave command prompt
and the sphere should change color from green to red as the hand passes through it:
Hint for linux users, at octave or matlab prompt, add path to haptix scripts:
path('[replace with your path to install]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/haptix-comm/octave', path)
path('[replace with path to your custom_world.m]', path)
before running custom_world.m
Run compiled binary from custom_world.c
as you would with any Haptix C API code as shown in Running the simulation section under the Haptix C API tutorial.