Physics Parameters

This tutorial is about how to choose or tune physics related parameters, mainly focused on the physics parameters in Open Dynamics Engine(ODE).


This tutorial first explains physics related parameters that are applicable to all the physics engines such as real_time_factor and max_step_size. Then it explains with demonstration about how to use the parameters for solvers, constraints, friction. The order of parameters in this tutorial follows the sdformat specification definition here.

Parameters Applicable to All Physics Engines

The parameters listed in this section are defined under the <physics> tag here. These are shared among all physics engines.

  1. type: The type of the dynamics engine. Currently Gazebo supports 4 physics engines: ode, bullet, simbody and dart. The default physics engine is ode.

  2. max_step_size: The maximum time step size that can be taken by a variable time-step solver (such as simbody) during simulation. For physics engines with fixed-step solvers (like ODE), this is simply the time step size. The default value in Gazebo is 0.001 seconds.

  3. real_time_factor: max_step_size x real_time_update_rate sets an upper bound of real_time_factor. If real_time_factor < 1 the simulation is slower than real time.

  4. real_time_update_rate: This is the frequency at which the simulation time steps are advanced. The default value in Gazebo is 1000 Hz. Multiplying with the default max_step_size of 0.001 seconds gives a real_time_factor of 1. If real_time_update_rate is set to 0 the simulation will run as fast as it can. If Gazebo is not able to update at the desired rate, it will update as fast as it can, based on the computing power.

  5. max_contacts: The maximum number of contacts to be generated between two entities. This value can be overwritten by the max_contacts element nested under a collision element. This is helpful to constrain the maximum number of contacts between two entities, such as face-to-face collisions, with a potential sacrifice to the accuracy. The max_contacts parameter is especially helpful for trimesh objects. Another benefit of max_contacts parameter is that it allows users to allocate a fixed amount of memory at the beginning to store contacts. No reallocation would happen since we have allocated enough memory to store the maximum number of contacts possible.

Parameters for Open Dynamics Engine(ODE)

The ODE user guide here includes the explanation to most physics related parameters. We will refer to this user guide when necessary.

Solver parameters

solver is an element nested under physics->ode->solver in the sdformat here

  1. type The type of the solvers in ODE. There are two types: world and quick. world step uses a direct method called Dantzig, and the quick step uses an iterative Projected Gauss-Seidel (PGS) method. world step gives an accurate solution if it is able to solve the problem, while quick step depends on the number of iterations to reach an accurate enough solution.

    The following two videos show the double pendulum simulation with world step and quick step. It is clear that the contacts between the ground and the double pendulum base are stable for world step, while unstable (with the contacts disappearing and appearing for each time step) for quick step.

  2. min_step_size The minimum time duration which advances with each time step of a variable time step solver. This parameter is ignored by fixed-step size solvers. The value of min_step_size must be smaller than the max_step_size under the physics element. If this is left unspecified the default value will be the max_step_size under physics element.

  3. iters The number of iterations for the solver to run for each time step. In general, a larger number results in better accuracy at the cost of slower simulation, but this is not guaranteed. Note that this parameter is only meaningful to the ode quick solver; world solver doesn't use this parameter.

  4. precon_iters This parameter only applies to the quick solver. It is the number of iterations used for preconditioning before solving the problem. The preconditioning strategy is disabled by default and therefore this parameter is not used. As mentioned in the sdformat specifications this is an experimental parameter.

  5. sor Successive Over-Relaxation parameter. This is used by quick solver only.

  6. use_dynamic_moi_rescaling Flag to enable dynamic rescaling of moment of inertia in constrained directions. The implementation of this feature is here

Constraints parameters

constraints is an element nested under physics->ode->constraints in the sdformat here

  1. cfm Constraint Force Mixing (CFM) is a square diagonal matrix. It adds a small positive value to the matrix in the linear complementarity problem to be solved. An explanation about cfm is here. This should be the first parameter to tune when the simulation is not stable, especially one with intermittent contacts. CFM stablizes the simulation by converting a hard contact to a soft one. Therefore, if the error metric to evaluate the solution still uses the violation of the original hard contact CFM could limit the accuracy of the simulation. Figure 3-5 in this paper gives an explicit demonstration about this limitation. Due to the fact that CFM is always a small positive value this limitation is always ignored.

  2. erp Error Reduction Parameter (ERP) specifies what proportion of the joint error will be fixed during the next simulation step. The local ERP value nested under joints overwrites that defined global. A detailed explanation of erp is here. There is also proof about how the erp, cfm and kp, kd parameters are equivalent, i.e. cfm and erp simulates exactly the spring-damper behavior.

  3. contact_max_correcting_vel This is the same parameter as the max_vel under collision->surface->contact. contact_max_correcting_vel sets max_vel globally. Given the following .world file example:

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <sdf version="1.6">
      <world name="default">
        <physics type="ode">
        <gravity>0.0 0.0 -9.81</gravity>
        <model name="sphere_1">
          <pose>0.0 1.8 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0</pose>
          <link name="link_1">
            <visual name="visual_sphere_1">
            <collision name="collision_sphere_1">
        <model name="sphere_2">
          <pose>0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0</pose>
          <link name="link_2">
            <visual name="visual_sphere_2">
            <collision name="collision_sphere_2">

    In the above example, a global contact_max_correcting_vel is defined with a value of 0.1. Model sphere_1 has a max_vel of 10 and sphere_2 has a max_vel of 1. Whenever there is a contact between sphere_1 and sphere_2, ODE chose the minimum value of max_vel of the two entities that form the contact. In this case, max_vel for the contact is min(10, 1) = 1; Finally this max_vel is truncated by the contact_max_correcting_vel defined globally, i.e. the max_vel equals to min(1, 0.1) = 0.1.

    This simulation sets max_vel to three different values for two spheres in collision. The simulation starts with a contact at penetration depth of 0.5. If we set max_vel=0 the two spheres won't bounce and the velocity is zero after the penetration is corrected. If max_vel is set to 1 then the red sphere on the top would bounce at a speed no greater than 1, similarly for max_vel=10. This is helpful to prevent the simulation from blowing up, especially after the simulation corrects some penetration error of contacts.

  4. contact_surface_layer This is the same parameter as the min_depth under collision->surface->contact. We use the same example as demonstrating contact_max_correcting_vel since contact_surface_layer has similar truncation strategy. The penetration depth between sphere_1 and sphere_2 is calculated as depth at each time step. The min_depth value is decided by the minimum value between the two entities that form the contact, and further truncated by the global contact_surface_layer value. In the above example: min_depth = min(min(0.001, 0.01), 0.0001) = 0.0001. With this min_depth determined, penetration between the two entities is updated depth = max(depth - min_depth, 0) at each time step.

    Three cases are shown in this video: the leftmost two spheres started with detaching mode, i.e. they are not in contact at the beginning of the simulation. The red sphere on the top starts falling due to gravity and forms a contact. In this case no penetration would happen and therefore min_depth=0.5 doesn't play any role here. In the second case the two spheres start with a contact and a penetration depth of 0.7, min_depth=0 in this case. Therefore, the simulation corrects the penetration depth of 0.7. As for the third case, the two spheres start with a contact and a penetration depth of 0.7, min_depth=0.5. Therefore, the penetration depth will be updated by depth = max(depth-min_depth, 0)=0.2 and the simulation corrects the new depth of 0.2. The two spheres stay with a remaining penetration depth equal to the min_depth.

Friction parameters

For torsional friction in ODE, please refer to the tutorial here.

Contact friction parameters for each surface are specified in the SDFormat friction element nested under collision->surface->friction here.

  1. mu Coefficient of friction along the first friction direction.

  2. mu2 Coefficient of friction along the second friction direction. For most cases, mu2 has same value with mu.

  3. fdir1: 3-tuple unit vector specifying the direction of the first friction direction corresponding to mu in the collision local reference frame.

    This picture shows how the friction cone is approximated with a pyramid model. The direction of fdir1, mu and mu2 are marked. Whenever a contact forms, the normal direction is decided and with a definition of fdir1, contact coordinate frame can be easily constructed with the third fdir2 as cross product of unit vector along normal and fdir1 direction.

  4. slip1, slip2: Force dependent slip direction 1 in collision local frame with units of an inverse damper (m / s / N).

The interpretation of these parameters depends on the friction model in use by the ODE solver, which is specified by the <friction_model> parameter under <physics><ode><solver> and documented here.

The default friction model is pyramid, which decouples the friction constraints into two 1-dimensional constraints that are solved independently. This is illustrated in the following figure:

Valid values of the friction_model include:

  • pyramid_model: (default) friction constraints are decoupled into two 1-dimensional constraints that are solved independently. The friction force limit is the product of the normal force and the non-dimensional coefficients mu and mu2 in each friction direction.

  • box_model: friction forces are again decoupled into two 1-dimensional constraints with a constant friction force limit that is independent of the normal force. For this model, the coefficients mu and mu2 have units of Newtons and represent the maximum friction force in each friction direction.

  • cone_model: this model solves the coupled dynamic friction constraints by choosing a friction direction parallel to the linear velocity at the contact point. Only the parameter <mu> is used. See gazebo pull request 1522 for the implementation of this feature.

The names of the friction cone and friction pyramid models derives from a geometric interpretation of the directions in which contact forces may point, as shown in the following figure. The angle of the cone/pyramid is set by the friction coefficient.

A fixed normal force corresponds to a circular slice from the cone, representing a limit on friction force magnitude in any direction. For the pyramid, a fixed normal force corresponds to a square slice representing the independent constraints in each direction. The friction cone model is more physically realistic, but the pyramid model is useful in some circumstances when anisotropic behavior is desired, such as in modeling longitudinal and lateral wheel friction separately (see the WheelSlipPlugin added in gazebo pull request 2950).

The difference between the box and cone friction models is visualized using the friction_pyramid test world, which has an array of boxes arrayed in a circle with an initial velocity going away from the center of the circle. Specifying cone_model in that example world at line 15 results in boxes that travel out radially as one would expect.

Since the pyramid friction model uses the world X-Y axes for its friction directions by default, the velocity of some boxes is not aligned with these axes and their behavior is different. The velocity on each axis is treated independently, which is most evident when considering a box with initial velocity not at 0, 45, or 90 degrees to a world frame axis. In these cases, one velocity component is much smaller than the other and is dissipated to 0 while still moving in the other direction. These boxes end up traveling parallel to one of the friction directions for a duration before they eventually come to rest. Specifying pyramid_model in the example world illustrates this behavior.

Contact parameters

contact is an element nested under collision->surface->contact in sdformat here.

  1. soft_cfm Soft constraint force mixing. This is useful to make surfaces soft.

  2. soft_erp Soft error reduction parameter. This is useful to make surfaces soft.

  3. kp Dynamically 'stiffness'-equivalent coefficient for contact joints

  4. kd Dynamically 'damping'-equivalent coefficient for contact joints

    kp and kd can be used to stabilize the contacts between two entities. The double pendulum with quick step has unstable intermittent contacts as we compared quick step with world step. If we add kp and kd parameter to the collision->surface->contact between the ground and base the contacts will be stable as shown in this following video.

    <collision name="col_plate_on_ground">
        <pose>0 0 0.01 0 0 0</pose>
  5. max_vel Maximum correction velocity for contacts. If the predicted velocity for the next simulation step is larger than this value it will be truncated to this value. The combination usage with contact_max_correcting_vel is demonstrated earlier

  6. min_depth If the penetration depth is no greater than the value of min_depth, then no contact force would be applied. Otherwise, contact force will be applied to correct the portion of the penetration with a value of penetration depth minus min_depth. The remaining min_depth penetration would stay.

All the world files to generate the demonstration videos are accessible here.