
Install Gazebo on Mac (using homebrew)

Gazebo and several of its dependencies can be compiled on OS X with Homebrew using the osrf/simulation tap. Gazebo is straightforward to install on Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) or higher. Installation on older versions requires changing the default standard library and rebuilding dependencies due to the use of c++11. For purposes of this tutorial, I will assume OS X 10.11 or greater is in use.

Default installation: one-liner

  1. Install

    curl -ssL | sh
  2. Run


Alternative installation: step-by-step

  1. Install homebrew, which should also prompt you to install the XCode command-line tools:

    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install XQuartz, which provides X11 support and is required by Gazebo and OGRE

  3. Run the following commands to install gazebo quickly with a precompiled binary:

    brew tap osrf/simulation
    brew install gazebo11


The formula currently installs version 11.0 of Gazebo. Version 9 can be installed using the gazebo9. To install the latest version of Gazebo11 from gazebo11 development branch:

    brew install gazebo11 --HEAD