Joint Events


The SimEventsPlugin contains multiple components, one of which is the JointEvent (see the API here). The JointEvent will send a message on the sim_events topic when a joint's position (or velocity, or applied force) enters or leaves a specified range.

Usage and Example

The JointEvent component is instantiated through the and relies on at least one region declared using <range> elements inside of <event> section, where the <event> has a <type> of joint.

The following world example features a model with a revolute joint. To begin the tutorial, start by creating a temporary directory:

mkdir joint_event
cd joint_event

Copy the world code and save it as (or download it from here):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
  <world name="default">
    <physics type="ode">
      <gravity>0 0 0</gravity>


    <plugin name="SimEvents" filename="">

    <!-- Angle: must be in range -PI to PI  -->

    <!-- Velocity -->

    <!-- Applied Force -->

    <!-- Close the plugin element  -->

    <model name='revoluter'>
        <pose>0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0</pose>
        <link name='base'>
        <pose>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
          <visual name='visual'>
                <size>0.5 1 1</size>
          <collision name='collision'>
                <size>0.5 1 1</size>
        <link name='needle'>
          <pose>0.25 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
          <visual name='visual'>
            <pose>0 0 -0.2 0 -0 0</pose>

          <collision name='collision'>
            <pose>0 0 -0.2 0 -0 0</pose>

        <joint name='my_joint' type='revolute'>

          <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
            <xyz>1 0 0</xyz>

        <!-- this joint keeps the model from moving around -->
        <joint name ='fix' type='fixed'>



The relevant parts are the following:


As the joint named my_joint enters or exits the position range between 1.55 and 1.70 radians, a gazebo::msgs::SimEvents message is published over the topic /gazebo/sim_events.

    <!-- Angle: must be in range -PI to PI  -->


As the joint named my_joint enters or exits the velocity range between 3 and 3.3 rad/s, a gazebo::msgs::SimEvents message is published over the topic /gazebo/sim_events.

    <!-- Velocity -->

Applied force

As the force applied by user on the joint named my_joint enters or exits the effort range between 3 and 3.3 Nm, a gazebo::msgs::SimEvents message is published over the topic /gazebo/sim_events.

    <!-- Applied Force -->

Running simulation with joint events plugin

Launch Gazebo in a terminal with the following command

gazebo --verbose

The world contains a single model, revoluter, which has 2 links:

  • base, and orange box
  • needle, a white cylinder

It also contains 2 joints:

  • fix, a fixed joint that prevents the base link from moving in the world.
  • my_joint, a revolute joint that allows the needle to rotate around the center of the base link

The force, velocity and position of my_joint will trigger events.

Now, we need to see messages that are generated by Gazebo. As explained above, the following events will trigger a /gazebo/sim_events message:

  • joint angle is between 1.55 and 1.70 rad, or
  • joint velocity is between 3 and 3.3 rad/s, or
  • the force applied to the joint is between 3 and 3.3 Nm.
  1. Open the Topic Visualization in the Window menu.
  2. Select the /gazebo/sim_events topic in the topic selector. This should open a topic window.
  3. Tip: Use the context menu to keep the topic window in view Always On Top
  4. Find the needle link in the object tree in the left hand side panel:
  5. Right click the needle link and selecting the Apply Force/Torque menu:
  6. Using the Apply Force/Torque dialog to apply a large torque (10,000 Nm) about the x-axis of the needle link, hit Apply Torque button once only. The white link should start rotating and the topic visualizer should start scrolling with new events:

The end result should look like below:

As the joint rotates into user specified angular region, a sim events message is published. And as the joint rotates out of the user specified region, another message is published. Similarly, joint velocity and joint force are monitored by the joint_velocity and joint_force SimEvents blocks.