Toggle the pause state of Gazebo using the space bar, just as you would almost any media player.
It is summer time, which means many people on vacation. As a result development news is on the light side.
A new pull request to Gazebo adds the ability to record the user camera to a video file.
Check out this world file and plugin for example on how to manipulate visual elements in Gazebo.
A new delta wing model is under development, and will soon be made available through the model database.
Gazebo Issue #963: Add support for bullet3 (GPU-accelerated physics)
Most recent active questions
By default, the Gazebo graphical user interface will start full screen. It is possible to change this behavior. Try resizing and moving the main window. Then select File->Save Configuration. The next time Gazebo starts, the window position and size will be restored.
The position and size information is stored in a file called ~/.gazebo/gui.ini. You can manually modify this file by adjusting or adding the following lines:
A model of the Lunar Tranquillitatis Pit has been added to the Gazebo model database.
Gazebo Issue #622: Joint velocities are high when the joint link is in contact and the joint is not rotating
Most recent active questions
This past month we have started a development push on our web-technologies. CloudSim, a tool used to provision and manage cloud-based simulations, and PropShop are getting a reboot. Stay tuned over the coming months for updates.
We spent a week on a usability sprint, with the goal of putting ourselves in the shoes of first-time simulation users. The sprint utilized the FIRST 2016 competition environment. Two teams were tasked with constructing three robots using Gazebo and ROS. At the end of the week we generated and long list of usability issues, which we are now busy resolving.
We had a bit of fun at the end of the sprint, in the form of a live competition. Both teams setup in the OSRF cafe, and connected to Gazebo running the FRC 2016 environment. Check out the video below for a quick take on the robots we created.
Check out our robot building tutorial to make your own robot, and the FRC 2016 repository for the simulation environment.
This month's tip is about improving simulation performance.
Triangle mesh collisions are both CPU intensive and error prone. Use mesh objects for visuals, and simple shapes for collisions.
Try to reduce the number of joints, including fixed joints, in models. Each joint introduces a constraint that the physics solver must compute.
Meshes may contain screws and internal structures that are not useful in simulation, and only slow down rendering.Open your meshes in a 3D modeling tool, such as Blender, and remove or reduce the number of triangles.
Check sensor update rates and resolutions. For example, ask yourself if you need an HD camera in simulation.
We need your help to squash bugs! Please visit our issue trackers to get started.
Gazebo Issue #1058: Update GearBox Joint Definition
Most recent active questions
Welcome to the first installment of the Gazebo newsletter.
This month's tip is about debugging problems with simulation.
$ gazebo -u
View Menu -> [Collisions, Joints, Inertia, Center of Mass]
$ gazebo --verbose
We need your help to squash bugs! Please visit our issue trackers to get started.
Gazebo Issue #1748: Camera sensor timestamp regression from Gazebo2 to Gazebo4+
Most recent active questions
The fine folks at DIY Drones have created a new ArduPilot plugin for Gazebo. Check out their blog post for more information. Their demo video, below, is an impressive demonstration of the ArduPilot plugin and Gazebo.
Documentation and support materials are extremely important, especially when using a complex system like Gazebo. First time users of Gazebo typically face a large learning curve that can be daunting. In an effort to reduce this learning curve, we have added new tutorials and restructured the tutorial system. A new section, called Guided, features tutorials that offer more structure. The first set of Guided tutorials are targeted to beginners. Over the next few months additional tutorials for intermediate and advanced users will be added.